How is 360 Strategies different from all the others?
What we do (and don’t do…)
We do Quality Business Partnering Services (not restricted by the high demands of a tax service)
We do Quality Business Valuations (not compromised by wanting to sell YOUR business fast)
Provide critical support to owners who are struggling, OR want change, OR are considering retirement and exiting business
Highly skilled experts at all things Tax related
Have a large base of clients (unusually 500+) – that’s a lot of tax returns!!!!
Cannot provide quality value-added services as time consumed in delivering timebound tax returns across a large client base
Often business expertise is restricted to compliance work
When do you need a Tax Accountant: At financial year end
Experts to sell your business fast
The valuation will be based on getting your business on the market fast which sometimes is not the best option for YOU.
Can be hit and miss
Will make you a priority (work around you and your situation)
Should be free of conflicting interests and always working towards improving the success of your business
Often insufficiently trained and rely on past experience (failures) to make them an expert.
We do not to do Tax - However we can refer you to some amazing tax accountants if required.
We do not to sell businesses – but we definitely know how to value a business and will quantify the opportunity potential.
We do limit our base to ensure quality
We are qualified by both education and experience
Every business decision is 100% in your control – we help you understand every decision and its impacts
We get very close to our client’s businesses and work to find the most affordable package for them (it’s got to be a win-win scenario).