Personalised Business Partnering.
Adrian St John.
Business Director & Strategic Partner
Qualified practising accountant specialising in Business Strategy, Financial and Business Management.
Professionally qualified across all critical areas of successful business management.
+ Chartered Accountant (CPA & CGMA)
+ 20yrs Commercial Experience: Strategy & Planning
+ Bachelor of Business (NZ)
+ Certified in Social Media Marketing Strategy (NZQA approved)
+ Previous Engagements: School board & CPA ESG Committee
+ Approved Business Coach & Mentor to www.msd.govt.nz
Values: Everything with Purpose, Simple, Fun, Engaging
Qualified and bound to high professional and ethical standards.
Experts at finding you the time that you currently do not have.
We work around you, fitting into your schedule and lifestyle. Flexible on time and place to suit you.
All conversations, data and company insights treated with high sensitively at all times.
We believe the most effective way to be a successful business partner is to be there, continually formulating strategies and executing together.